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Showing posts from January, 2016


"We are all star dust" says Carl Sagan. Suspended in the galaxy, Held in position by forces acting towards and against. Thereby we exist.                                            There is an inherent pattern in anything and everything that exists. There is a layer of abstraction, there is a cosmos of it's own in every tangibles. They aren't just any random distribution of chemical atoms and molecules. They are governed by a design.  An underlying current of design that runs across anything that is in nature. It doesn't stop there. It replicates. Replicates in any creation. It is as if this is contagious only that it is beautifully contagious. Going back to Carl Sagan's saying, thats is the core. Thats where the pattern starts and ends by the way. It is like everything up there are playing a game of chess against each other. There are dark and white spac...