Numbers are bi-polar. They hide as much as they reveal. Some Observations here. Numbers are from . (Data as of May 17th 9:00 AM IST) Total Registered Voters : 81,45,91,184 (Nearly the entire population of US (32+ Cr), Pakistan (18+ cr), Nigeria (17+ cr) , Japan(12+ cr) put together) Total Votes : 54,07,25,627 (66.38%) (Nearly the entire population of brazil, Russia, Mexico and Germany put together) Rest : 27,38,65,557 ( Where were you all.. Including me..!!!!) AAP Votes : 1,13,23,443 (2.0% Vote share) (Remember BJP was formed in the 50's, grown in the 70's, won just 2 seats in the 84 elections. The 30 years of that era can be equivalent to 3 years of t...