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Think Green, Act Green, Spread Green

Green is already the colour of the century. Green, always portrayed as the colour of prosperity is now getting transformed into one which depicts the act of preserving it for the future. This is an alarming signal.
   What are all the alarming signals? 
Global Warming :  A gradual increase in the temperature of the earth. It is termed that a temperature increase of more than 0.4 C degrees in a period of 100 years purely due to human intervention is termed as global warming. 

Extinction of various species of Flora and fauna : A natural effect of the global warming. It is not just the extinction but the rate at which it is happening is more worrying. This in turn causes an ecological imbalance in the environment. Who knows if this chain reaction continues humanity would stand near the gates of extinction.

Vast Climatic Changes : Another major effect of Global warming. With continuous increase of earth's temperature, polar ice caps would melt. Sea levels will increase. This would affect the normal climatic cycle of the earth leading to unconventional floods, rain, hotter summers, less colder winters, raised humidity levels. All due to a major cascading effect.

Loss of resources of Energy : Though this is not an after effect of global warming, it is major concern for the environment of the future. The resources of power, water, fossil fuels are fast depleting.The sources of energy for power is a major area of concern. If not preserved, recycled or reused, there may a day when richness may be measured in terms of watts of power one possess...

Even as the Top players of the word economy pledge to work for a green and low carbon
global economic recovery in the recent G20 summit, it is crucial that this start be consolidated by the national
governments and for that matter every granular units, public , private enterprises, NGOs and finally every

How can a Country start out and implement a green growth or should i say green preservation plan as a part of
its inclusive growth? I think i should narrow down my question to how can an economically viable country take
up this task for only 20% of the world's country , all developed or developing, account for the 80% of the energy
consumption and carbon emissions. Remember India is one of them. However this question has been answered
convincingly by other members of the 20 %.
Germany., a world leader in renewable energy and environmental
technologies employing about 1.8 million people in green tech areas, raised its output of environmental goods by 
27 per cent during 2005-07.China's national development and reform commission has won recognition for 
setting apart , under the stimulus package, nearly $100 billion for rail infrastructure and $70 billion for electricity
grid expansion.
Now what are the areas that a country like India need to focus on
to achieve the green pattern. Though i am a novice to this topic, these are some of the ideas that crops up in a 
young educated individuals mind, i am just reflecting them. Now you will find that when you drill down on these
answers, you will find the answers for my next question

First educate the people about the importance of the green
preservation, the aftereffects if we dont take any steps. Create an awareness and a sense of responsibility and
urgency is the topic. Green campaign is the need of the hour.Let the government take this to every home.

Second Mandate implementation of green technology in every
public premises such as the school, government offices. let the infrastructure plan be built on a green pattern.
As an initial step ,Avail Tax cuts for organisations adopting green technology. Recognise and reward the achievers.

Third Encourage plating of saplings, take an oath to maintain and
preserve existing trees. If it definitely mandates cutting of tree for a infrastructure plan make up for it by
constructing a small road side park/ garden in a given small area. Donate Seeds to willing NGO's. Let planting
become an unwritten activity of law on all national holidays. Let preserving them be assigned to local bodies and

Fourth Let the Rain harvesting mechanism grow in magnitude. Let
approval for housing plans be given only on conformance to green technology. Mandate adoption of atleast one
green growth activity and one green preservation activity in every household. Provide guidance and if needed
financially help them to implement on the same.

Fifth Let there be local bodies to verify the conformance, implementation
and maintenance of the green growth policies. Let there be a green wing in every administrative unit of the
country dedicated for the same. Let school curriculum take up green and clean technology education and
prototype implementation and awareness programs.

Sixth, Promote public transport by expanding your transport infrastructure
with the future in mind. let there be greater connectivity and faster commutation. This would enable more people
to take up common transport there by reducing fuel consumption and carbon emmission.

These are just some of the information that travelled from my forebrain to my fingers. Some of it could have been
done and some of it could be in planning, some of it might have implementation issues, but IT IS IMPORTANT
THAT WE ALWAYS HAVE ABUNDANT IDEAS. it is also important that we spread these ideas so that they
get refined over time, so that they reach as many as it could. if this article has stimulated one of the nerves to send an
impulse to the thinking brain of an individual then that would reward the all the words here.

Will come back soon with the continuation of this article with my next question. How can each individual
contribute for the green growth.


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